Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vegas EKS factory presence

It has been a long and hard week for Gianpaolo Masotto and Paolo Fracasso. EKS attended the Supernationals XV with a new package combination, serviced by Cambrian GO Karts, USA Kart distributor and Racing Team. The Condor 09 with a Motori Seven L4USA and Paolo Fracasso was the package. It became clear from the onset that it would be a long way to get to the top of the grid, as everything was basically new. But it did work on in the end. Driver, Chassis and Engine worked very well together.

On the other side of the pit space was the EKS Condor Of Action Kart of New Jersey. Driver Carlos Lopez and his tuner Jeremy Owens had their hands full with a KZ engine, competing on the G1 class. The package with a Condor and a Swedetech Maxter ICC engine worked very well and they were in contention all the week end long.

Here some images: